Installation on Windows

@projekter provides ready-to-use windows binaries for you.

It is recommended that you use the latest release version.

The recommended way is to download the setup.exe, start it and follow the on-screen-instructions to install dspdfviewer into your programs folder, and create shortcuts where desired.

Since v1.15.1, there is also a dspdfviewer-$ archive available, containing a portable version that works without installation.

If you want to install an older version or a pre-release, please see the full list at @projekters release page.

Advanced users: Compile dspdfviewer from source

In the course of adding a Windows build to the CI tests, @projekter created archives of poppler and its dependencies, compiled with MSVC 2013. This can of course also be used to quickly get a development environment set up on a windows machine, without needing to spend much time on compiling dependencies.

Warning: The dependency archive is provided as-is; do not expect to receive any kind of update support. Please only use it as a quickstart mechanism, and don’t expect the included DLLs to be continually updated with patches from upstream. If you plan to distribute a dspdfviewer binary, do yourself a favor and re-compile the most recent stable versions of all dependencies.

In addition to the dependency archive, you will also need the following programs and libraries on your system:

To use the prebuilt DLLs, extract the archives directly to c:\ and make sure to set -DWindowsStaticLink=OFF at cmake time, and it is probably easier to use -DBoostStaticLink=ON on a Windows build. You will also need to set the PATH environment to contain the directories of the DLLs unless you want to copy them to the build dir.

On a debug build, you must make sure that the debug version of poppler-qt5.dll is loaded, for example by copying it into the executable’s directory. See buildme.bat or the AppVeyor CI configuration for examples of how to set up and compile a Debug configuration.